Quality Policy

Munwa Products Quality Policy


  • Munwa Products is committed to meeting the needs and requirements of our customers by providing high-quality products and services. We are dedicated to continually improving the effectiveness of our Quality Management System (QMS).


  • We achieve this through effective, productive, and stable operations in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. We also maintain good partnership relationships with our suppliers in order to strengthen our QMS.


  • Our QMS is a key tool that allows us to meet our objectives. It is implemented at all levels of the company and is used to ensure that our products and services meet customer requirements.


  • Our management is responsible for the establishment and maintenance of our QMS. They are also responsible for ensuring that our employees are trained in quality and that our QMS is continually evaluated and improved.


  • We believe in the precautionary principle, which means that we take steps to prevent problems from occurring rather than waiting to detect them after they have happened.


  • We are confident that our QMS will enable us to continue to meet the needs of our customers and to achieve our business objectives.